My eyes always cheat my innocent m… Neither the sky nor the ocean are…
When needle sharp fangs sunk into… I nicked my body with the swipe of… And let the blood flow and allowed… Cos I know that the wound will he… And the pain wouldn’t last long,
It is still December the end of a… But the beginning of another, Of the time when trees are covered… Of the time when leaves of green a… Nestled warm and cozy on the couch…
The vibrant colours, and the vivac… When kissed by the sun and caresse… They shine, they shimmer, they gli… But wonder why they always cast a… Even in the face of brightest, sun…
Let your lungs breath, Let them breath the air, Let them breath life, and never le… Let them breath to let your heart… Let them breath to never let your…
Washed away are my doodles on the… Withered away are my inscriptions… Blown away are my footprints on th… But lasts forever are your memorie… Forever imprinted on my soul..!
Waves of hope that reaching out to… Keep touching and gently kissing m… But, when I extend my arms, To hold them, wish them, and greet… They retreat and shy away in to th…
Broad are my shoulders, Puffed are the muscles of my breas… Mighty is my heart, full of coura… Focus in my eyes, fixed at the horizon in the sight,
The crispy cover of gravel crumble… When I tried to clamber the hills… The silky carpet of sands shrunk a… When I tried to cross the deserts… The soggy sheet of tiny crystals s…
When the stillness of silence is d… When the brightness of light is bl… When the thickness of translucence… When the intensity of sense is num… I stand still in space and time, n…
There she goes with grace and eleg… Spinning and gyrating in the ballr… Dancing for the tunes of grandeur… Drawing the fresco of intricate de… But of a limited palette, when onl…
Broke the doors of glass that are… When I lost the keys made of meta… Left broken and lost, Behind the closed doors of metal, And all I have now are the keys m…
Many people come and go in life as… While some were left as seashells… But further you go offshore, The deeper will be the sea floor, In those deeper depths, lay, the t…
It rained in the desert, Yes it rained in the desert! On the day when the sun of humanit… On the East of the Middle-East w… On the day when the horizon was co…
Spread your wings and fly, Over the shambles and roofs of tor… To placate the pain and build the… Spread your wings and fly, To offer comfort and solace,