Neither in the calm seas and placi… Nor in the clear azure skies and s… But, its in the midst of turbulenc… Lives the soul of dedication, and, The heart of true love beats and b…
Wandering through the memory lanes… Holding tightly the tender plant i… Wrapped its roots carefully in a s… Left no chinks even for the air to… As I meandered through the memory…
Feeling your lips, On my fingertips, Running along the curved rims, Frisking the contours, And caressing their velvet tips,
When needle sharp fangs sunk into… I nicked my body with the swipe of… And let the blood flow and allowed… Cos I know that the wound will he… And the pain wouldn’t last long,
Time split us into two, And Tide swept us through, Time and tide waits for none, May be that is true, But through the time and the tide,
There she goes with grace and eleg… Spinning and gyrating in the ballr… Dancing for the tunes of grandeur… Drawing the fresco of intricate de… But of a limited palette, when onl…
If I could ever see a twinkling s… But I still wonder how far it cou… Staring wildly at every passing mo…
Intrigued by the faces and their f… Inspired by the colours and their… Inscribed sketches of them on the… Inline to the outlines of the colo… Inked and imbued the inlines, in h…
Beyond the realms of twin blue str… Lay the vast and deep darkness, Above the sky’s bottom and below t… While the vast darkness above woul… From lack of any pressure,
Came the pride and arrogance with… Along with the grandeur and opulen… Came the grief and predicament, un… Along with comeuppance and failure… Blinded both ways, in the light of…
The journey of life is one of a ki… It moves forward but leaves the pa… When the caravan walk past the des… The footprints were left on the sa… When the tides ebb the shore,
When the winds started breathing c… When the trees shed their green su… When the ground crawled under the… When the geese flee to the souther… As the stars started to show-up ea…
When the dark clouds pave the way… On a day when the sky is clear and… I pulled the pall off the coffin, To see the truth lying bare and na… I stood staring with my eyes open…
Pebbles that I dropped on my path… Long lost and forgotten when the p… Their memories were long lost and… I moved on thinking that they will… Now I’m walking on a different pa…
It is still December the end of a… But the beginning of another, Of the time when trees are covered… Of the time when leaves of green a… Nestled warm and cozy on the couch…