Very often the dazed silence around
like that of crematorium
rattles us, makes us debate
the source of it
silence is wrought
out of the aftermath
of tornado unleashing deluge
of mundane woes
hooting of owls overshadows
consecration of temple bells.
Garden of Eden is desecrated
forbidden fruit is plucked
zealously gulped
at satan’s instigation
inviting corporeal punishment
of being thrown out from
domain of innocence
esoteric ambience
to splash the space of bliss
with bitterness
The fruit dangling from
Tree of knowledge
with good and evil
lured Eve
to prevail upon Adam
to pluck and taste
birth of first sibling
Cain soaking earth
with Abel’s blood
driven by
envy hatred revenge
unfolded Pandora’s box of sin
good evil virtue vice piety sin
always co exist
sin overpowers piety
mass killing of terrorist fundamentalist
turn the blissful innocence
into chaos bloodshed turbulence
Harishchandra performs
Rohitaswa’s funeral
disregarding Sabya’s tears
Gandhi’s concept of
truth non violence
fraternity peace
brazenly skipped
limiting him
to birth anniversary holiday
routine garlanding of morose statue
political chicanery election rhetorics
holding sway all around
Maoist carnage
of innocent victims
mining chit fund scams
spreading octopus trap
turns concept of welfare state
into a myth, veneer euphemism
to cross the river of election
on the boat of
hypocrisy and oppurtunism