Julia W


From young we are taught how to speak, how to write, how to love. But we are taught all these things while our souls are still raw, before they become drenched in life and broken down by humans. We are like trees, our insides are created naked, but as we grow we lose what we have learned, we lose all that we were as children. We forget how to speak, and how to write, and how to love... Because we are too busy being taught how to do these things the way others want us to. As children we wrote from our  insides, but as adults we write what humans want to read, we write of the stale world that’s been engraved upon our skin. As children we spoke words we wanted to, but now the words we say are what humans want to hear, instead of the words that used to sit inside our bones, and grow in us like flowers. As children our hearts are bigger than our entirety, we loved the wind, we loved the trees, we loved all things. Because we hadn’t yet known, that they will all destroy us in the end. Humans, they destroy everything.

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