Juan Benito

How Things Might Be

I lay and dream of how things might be,
For my future, I am not allowed to see,
And at times I anticipate,
Joy and happiness, love and peace,
And pray it is not too late.
Emotionally at times, I search for balance,
And sometimes I feel balance cannot be achieved,
But how wonderful it is to know,
That we are rewarded when we have believed,
An occurrence may carry us to a state of bliss,
If when we act out of love and peace,
I lay and dream of how things might be,
For my future, I am not allowed to see,
I desire to do what is just,
And at times, I feel I must,
Believe with all my heart,
That each of us can act and take part,
Actively in making right the wrong,
In helping each to feel that we all belong,
To the dream that someday we can achieve,
Whatever we dream, if we just believe,
I lay and dream of how things might be,
For my future I am not allowed to see.
Peace and Love…
Written:  01/02/2014
Copyright by Benito J Cantu, poemas por bjcantu


What does of concious know, perhaps it is our dreams, the unconcious state that guides the concious state.

#Dreams #Love #Peace

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