Perennial love,
Perennial love,
Perennial love,
My heart bounces,
At the sight of the phrase,
At the thought of the name,
My heart grows, ounces and ounces.
Perennial love,
My love, My love,
You’re true?
Just the thought, Just a memory,
just a glimpse of you,
Is more than one ought,
To ever be gifted, to ever receive of you..
You’re a rarity,
Brittany, there is not two,
Women like you, scarcity,
One drop out of the blue.
A riddle, a mystery,
How this much beauty could exist,
It’s rather trivial, momentary,
The very heart of this girl was kissed…
Blessed, She is blessed,
A little perfection in the brew,
When her chest meets my chest,
Introduces a feeling that is new.
And when I’m with her, I have to say
my heart practically pounces,
And every second, of every day,
She makes my heart grow ounces and ounces.