Majestic J

Contents Under Pressure

By Josiah

Contents under pressure,
Canyon walls closing in,
I have two kids, versus myself to measure,
And I don’t even consider them kin.
I have severe mental issues,
And Ravenous anxiety controls me,
My life committed to misuse,
And a condemning conscious patrols me,
Burden after Burden after Burden, comes fear,
And more trouble, never lesser,
How much more weight can I bear,
Adding stones, and stones, and stones,
Death is near,
With all elements against the presser,
Which I am subject to, every tier.
I do have yet one relief,
She is my monarch, my flower,
Shining eyes, aligned white teeth,
I devote my mind to every hour,
But one thing, repels me, repulses me, crushes,
Pertinent to her vile and empty minded, abhorrent otheress,
His poisonous motive,
The potent plan,
To maul and abuse,
The love of all the land,
He violently hit,
Penetrated, strangled.
An irreversible insertion,
Left her broken and mangled,
Beat and hurt her,
Worse than me,
And now I wish to kill,
He and only he.
But what adds more,
Not even an ounce, but the last tad,
She once even wanted, Really loved That Lad.
I am Contents Under Pressure,
The canyon is closing in.
If I were ever lesser,
It would be a universal sin…
If you were to find me,
If you were even hunting,
You would come to realize,
that you were looking for close to nothing.

A poem that vents the anxieties that I face and the thoughts that torment me.

Other works by Majestic J...
