Johnny’s drowned—here’s his clo’es
Where he’s got to, we dunno;
Sure enough, he never rose;
So we thought we’d let you know.
Gosh! the fright has knocked us flat—
Here’s his shirt, an’ here’s his hat.
Never seen him since he plopp’d,
Jist a’side the big red-gum;
So, thinks we, poor Johnny’s copp’d—
All so suddent!—ain’t it rum?
Must be snagg’d among the roots—
Here’s his pants, an’ socks, an’ boots.
Simplest thing you ever seen—
Only just a common swim—
Cripes! it might as ready been
Me or Bill in place o’ him!
Try to snake him out, I s’pose?
Anyway, we fetch’d his clo’es.