When all Thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I’m… In wonder, love and praise. Thy Providence my life sustained,
If yet your thoughts are loose fro… Nor feel the burden of a kingdom’s… If yet your time and actions are y… Receive the present of a Muse unk… A Must that, in adventurous numbe…
The Lord my pasture shall prepare And feed me with a shepherd’s ca… His presence shall my wants supply And guard me with a watchful eye; My noonday walks He shall attend
How are Thy servants blest, O Lo… How sure is their defense! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help Omnipotence. In foreign realms, and lands remot…
The Spacious Firmament on high, With all the blue Ethereal Sky, And spangled Heav’ns, a Shining… Their great Original proclaim: Th’ unwearied Sun, from day to da…
While crowds of princes your deser… Proud in their number to enrol you… While emperors to you commit their… And Anna’s praises crown the vast… Accept, great leader, what the Mu…
How long, great Poet, shall thy s… Provoke our wonder, and transcend… Can eneither injuries of time, or… Damp thy poetic heat, and quench t… No so thy Ovid in his exile wrote…
Prepare the hallow’d strain, My M… Thy softest sounds and sweetest nu… the bright Cecilia’s praise rehear… In warbling words, a nd glittering… that smootly run into a song,
The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heav’ns, a shining fr… Their great original proclaim: Th’ unwearied Sun, from day to da…
Since, dearest Harry, you will ne… A short account of all the Muse p… That, down from Chaucer’s days to… Have spent their Noble Rage in B… Without more Preface, wrote in Fo…
The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining fr… Their great Original proclaim. Th’unwearied sun, from day to day,
Salve magna parens frugum Saturni… Magna virûm! tibi res antiqu4ae2 l… Aggredior, sanctos ausus recludere… Virg. Geor. 2. While you, my Lord, the rural sha…
THE spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining fr… Their great Original proclaim. Th’ unwearied Sun from day to day
Cecilia, whose exalted hymns With joy and wonder fill the blest… In choirs of warbling seraphims Known and distinguish’d fom the re… Attend, harmonious saint, and see
Our lives, discoloured with our pr… May still grow white and shine wit… So the pure limped stream, when fo… Of rushing torrents and descending… Works itself clear, and as it runs…