I'm inside a stimulating space
I’m inside
a stimulating space
The lighting
is adequate
I’m sitting
next to a window
from which
natural light enters
There is a light rain
and the drops of water
tear down though
the outside of the glass
I’m inside
a stimulating space
The wood covers the
interior walls
like a finishing
Artificial light
is reflected in
the wood generating
warm tones
I’m inside
a stimulating space
like ceiling,
there is a modular
pattern of squares
with inscribed circles
inside the squares
There are lamps in
some of the centres
of the modular pieces
of the ceiling
I’m inside
a stimulating space
The carpet that
covers the floor
it’s of a grey background
with a pattern of
that twist
forming a stroke
of city and street
There are times that
rectangles get
in the way whose
perimeter is
outlined with white.
I’m inside
a stimulating space