José Mario Calero Vizcaíno


  A raven perches
over a tree branch;
his weight causes
the dripping of a few drops
that were held,
        in some leaves.
One falls
two fall
one hundred fall
It is autumn;
the colour of the leaves
has changed to:
and purple.
It rained;
the water settles
in the gaps of the street,
forming black puddles.
The leaves that have fallen,
cover the pavement
like an autumnal rug.
One falls
two fall
one hundred fall
It is windy,
a light wind;
the leaves of the trees,
non-perennial or deciduous,
they are drying
and creak when the wind
move the branches.
It is autumn,
it has started to get cold;
and red,
contribute to the
autumnal chromatic.
A pair of white swans
rest over
the Baltic sea;
they have four young ones
that follow them.
A black cat
cross the sidewalk;
I see it while
I wander the street
From the window,
as I write
this poetry,
I see the dried leaves
fall and carpet
the grass.
One falls
two fall
one hundred fall
Soon the trees,
will be bald.
One falls
two fall
one hundred fall
And the fall continues
the passers-by
they walk warm dressed
from head to toe;
It has rained and it's cold.
There are several houses and buildings
      under renovation;
warm tones
predominate in the landscape.
There is an autumn twilight
the sunset
it's happening
at 18:30.
It is autumn
dry leaves fall.
One falls
two fall
one hundred fall
Altre opere di José Mario Calero Vizcaíno...
