I would learn to play some
musical instrument
I would learn more languages
I would seek to be an
independent professional
since young
I would eat healthier
If I lived again ...
With enough free space, I would
take care of an animal or two
I would Spend more quality time with the family
I would create better habits
of hygiene and health
I would take more care of the relationships
with my parents and brothers
If I lived again ...
I would take more care of my relationships
with my uncles and cousins
I would take more care of my relationships
with my friends
I would design psychiatric hospitals
instead of falling into them
I would design an architectural project
per month
If I lived again ...
I would write three poems per week
I would listen more and with more attention
to older adults
I would exhibit my art more frequently
I would form a family since young
If I lived again ...
I would have been more careful with
motorized vehicles
I would do more nude drawings
I would exercise more
I would exercise more to keep my body
in good physical health
If I lived again ...
I would make a watercolour per week
I would invest since I was young
I would go to ballet every end of the year
I would go more to the cinema and the theatre
If I lived again ...
I would read more books
I would get married since I was young,
and I would take care
of my marital relationship
I would focus on love and
freedom for my family
I would focus on success, happiness,
freedom and fulfilment
If I lived again ...
I would concentrate on arriving
to success and fulfilment
at 45 or 50 years
I would swim with greater discipline
I wouldn't be hungry or thirsty
I wouldn't be nervous
I would sleep 6 to 8 hours a day
every night
I would observe more sunsets
If I lived again ...
I would spend more time with people
and less time on the computer
I would program my life towards
economical or financial freedom
I would project home for my family
and I would make it a built project
I would laugh more often
If I lived again ...
I would be a ballet dancer
I would be more ambitious and responsible
with my finances
I would be more affectionate with my parents
I would be more affectionate and less surly
If I lived again ...
I would be more creative
I would be more careful with
my relationships
I would be more disciplined
with my hobbies
I would be more productive
If I lived again ...
I would be more respectful and less insolent
I would be more rigorous with my need
to transcend
I would be more sincere
I would be more sincere
If I lived again ...
I would be a better student
I would be less dense and lighter
I would be less insolent
I would be less problematic
If I lived again ...
I would be a better teacher
I would have a lighter adolescence
I would travel to more places
I would live my life with more passion