(The old-fashioned way)
activity, activity, activity skill, skill, skill your hands are capable and skilled amplitude, amplitude, amplitude
Simplicity bestows beauty; Intellectual, sensory or a spiritual pleasure. Like the: Feather
Youth, passes, it disappears, it stays in the memories. But, if
They can give me confinement They can demand silence from me They can tie my wings My soul will always be free
We meet it's a clear sunny day we sit on a bench under the cover of a leafy tree I look at you
Life life is going like water through the hands Remembrances childhood remembrances
In the deepness of your: Creativity Fear Future Goodness
My daughter is growing She grows and grows Her mind unfolds Her talents are harnessed She grows and grows
Reasoning Is: Advanced Calmed Down Clean Comprehensive
We only have one life. There is no time to disregard the present.
athlete running couple sexing girl playing bird flying butterfly flapping
I would learn to play some musical instrument I would learn more languages I would seek to be an independent professional
is superlative. There is no feeling comparable, to the love of a father. Definitely,
As the: burning flames of an ardent fire charm of a flower which opens in spring
Every friendship she begins, her society is more developed. Every class she takes, her education