José Mario Calero Vizcaíno


Now, that I am a father,
I understand how success in life
is achieved.
begins to forge,
since before birth.
The couple that gives life,
to a new being,
must be united
by strong ties and love.
The new being must feel,
from the beginning of her or his life,
the love between their parents.
From the birth of a new being,
both parents must invest:
and time
in their formation.
All parents
that love their children,
want success for them;
triumphant competition
for the success of a new being,
stems from the effort
that parents and educators
invest in this new being.
The formation and the education,
that each infant receives,
must lead her or him to success.
Like the gardener to a climbing plant,
parents and educators,
must guide the growth
and the development of a new being.
There are times that parents try
to make their child to be successful
in a certain discipline or activity;
but, there must be
a good communication
with the children to understand their:
and potential.
Now I understand that,
the success of a new being,
is derived from the best administration of:
the educational offer,
and resources
that exist in the family and the environment.
Parents must treasure
and protect the peace of mind and
emotions of a new being.
Almost every new being,
is born with the potential to be successful
their physique or body,
their mind,
and their emotions
are like a blank book.
And it is the duty of parents
to write the best possible destiny
for their children.
The water they drink;
The food they eat;
The education they receive;
The experiences they live;
The people they live with;
The sensations that stimulate them...\neverything determines the future life
of an infant.
It is the duty of the parents
to cause success in
their children.
Since this new being
Has been guided, and formed;
there is a very high probability
that she or he will achieve
success in life.
Parents are like:
The underwater base
of an iceberg;
The roots of a tree;
The foundations of
a construction.
The decisions,
of parents and educators,
determine the future
of a new being or child.
I am grateful with life
for having been able to participate
in the life of an infant twice:
The first time was
with my little brothers;
And now with my daughter Emma.
I’m convinced that:
childhood well-directed,
It is the most beautiful thing in this life.
The feeling of gratification
to experience the successes
and experience the process towards success
of the infant that you are guiding,
It is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.
Otras obras de José Mario Calero Vizcaíno...
