Daphne knows, with equal ease, How to vex, and how to please; But the folly of her sex Makes her sole delight to vex. Never woman more devised
Midas, we are in story told, Turn’d every thing he touch’d to g… He chipp’d his bread; the pieces r… Glitter’d like spangles on the gro… A codling, ere it went his lip in,
FROM Venus born, thy beauty show… But who thy father, no man knows: Nor can the skilful herald trace The founder of thy ancient race; Whether thy temper, full of fire,
IN ancient times, as story tells, The saints would often leave their… And stroll about, but hide their q… To try good people’s hospitality. It happened on a winter night,
Observe the dying father speak: Try, lads, can you this bundle bre… Then bids the youngest of the six Take up a well-bound heap of stick… They thought it was an old man’s m…
Sure never did man see A wretch like poor Nancy, So teazed day and night By a Dean and a Knight. To punish my sins,
We both are mortal; but thou, frai… May’st die, like me, by chance, bu…
Harley, the nation’s great support… Returning home one day from court, His mind with public cares possest… All Europe’s business in his brea… Observed a parson near Whitehall,
LEST it may more quarrels breed, I will never hear you read. By disputing, I will never, To convince you once endeavour. III
Come hither, and behold the fruits… Vain man! of all thy vain pursuits… Take wise advice, and look behind, Bring all past actions to thy mind… Here you may see, as in a glass,
By an old––––pursued, A crazy prelate, and a royal prude… By dull divines, who look with env… On ev’ry genius that attempts to r… And pausing o’er a pipe, with doub…
Frail glass! thou mortal art as we… Though none can tell which of us f…
Ah! Strephon, how can you despise Her, who without thy pity dies! To Strephon I have still been tru… And of as noble blood as you; Fair issue of the genial bed,
Resolved my gratitude to show, Thrice reverend Dean, for all I o… Too long I have my thanks delay’d… Your favours left too long unpaid; But now, in all our sex’s name,
As Rochefoucauld his maxims drew From Nature, I believe ‘em true: They argue no corrupted mind In him; the fault is in mankind. This maxim more than all the rest