Tormented with incessant pains, Can I devise poetic strains? Time was, when I could yearly pay My verse to Stella’s native day: But now unable grown to write,
Midas, we are in story told, Turn’d every thing he touch’d to g… He chipp’d his bread; the pieces r… Glitter’d like spangles on the gro… A codling, ere it went his lip in,
A lion sunk by time’s decay, Too feeble grown to hunt his prey, Observed his fatal hour draw nigh: He drooped and laid him down to di… There came by chance a savage boar…
The nymph who wrote this in an amo… I cannot but envy the pride of her… Which thus she will venture profus… On so mean a design, and a subject… For mean’s her design, and her sub…
Stella this Day is thirty four, (We shan’t dispute a Year or more… However Stella, be not troubled, Although thy Size and Years are d… Since first I saw Thee at Sixtee…
APPLES Come buy my fine wares, Plums, apples and pears. A hundred a penny, In conscience too many:
Shepherd. Echo, I ween, will i… And quaintly answer questions. Sh… Echo. Tr… Shepherd. What must we do our… Echo. Pr…
I am jet black, as you may see, The son of pitch and gloomy night: Yet all that know me will agree, I’m dead except I live in light. Sometimes in panegyric high,
Sure never did man see A wretch like poor Nancy, So teazed day and night By a Dean and a Knight. To punish my sins,
At Market-Hill, as well appears By chronicle of ancient date, There stood for many hundred years A spacious thorn before the gate. Hither came every village maid,
Let me thy Properties explain, A rotten Cabin, dropping Rain; Chimnies with Scorn rejecting Smo… Stools, Tables, Chairs, and Bed-… Here Elements have lost their Vse…
The rod was but a harmless wand, While Moses held it in his hand; But, soon as e’er he laid it down, Twas a devouring serpent grown. Our great magician, Hamet Sid,
By haughty Celia spent in dressin… The goddess from her chamber issue… Arrayed in lace, brocades, and tis… Strephon, who found the room was v… And Betty otherwise employed,
Never sleeping, still awake, Pleasing most when most I speak; The delight of old and young, Though I speak without a tongue. Nought but one thing can confound…
Desponding Phillis was endu’d With ev’ry Talent of a Prude, She trembled when a Man drew near… Salute her, and she turn’d her Ea… If o’er against her you were plac’…