WOTD - Arduous
My soul tells me that you will run I think that sounds like lots of f… I’ll chase you deep into the sun Where lovers meet and melt as one
I have a grip that’s never loose That’s why I always get my goose I dig my claws into your soul Until I’m your silver and gold
You have an ideal That I will never fulfill So I have to peel
I think I’ve found the reason why I threw my gut instincts aside You had a crazy, fucked up song You made me sing I knew was wrong But now, thank God, I’ve seen the…
I cast the blame on you and her That just might be a bit obscured To tell the tale with honest voice I have to acknowledge my choice
I am homeless Not because I live in my car But, because my home is in the arm… And I forget what that feels like
There’s one thing You should know about us We’re gonna be Uncomfortably close Here is you
Once there was this girl named Je… Tall and blonde and oh so dreamy Milky skin with essence steamy Just one look would make you cream… Told me that we’d be a team-y
Don’t take the past away from me It made me who I am I like the one I’ve come to be A truthful, loving man
I’ve never really cared about me I know I’ll be fine I’m the benchmark of resiliency You’re who’s on my mind
You’ll have to take It slow with me That’s just the way Things have to be I’m sensitive
I think it’s just about time for m… Pack on up and head to the Great… Maybe if I sever all my human tie… My outer world will match the one…
We’ve reached the acme of intimacy When I taste like you And you taste like me
She is the one I call my life And nothing like Her sweet and spice So if you want
If I had one wish And a pound weighed a ton I’d hope you’d know my heart And the extent of my love