My gaze is like a laser beam That scorches souls and torches dr… It melts you down if you would dee… To stay too long within my scene
I passed through little Whitley t… And stopped where locals could be… When I pulled up, I heard a sound Angel’s voice in Dolby surround It was a sweet, but tearful song
I really love how the moonlight Reveals the sparkle in your eyes And how the cold accentuates The feelings shown across your fac… How every time you take a breath
I saw you standing there so fine In dress real nice with man that’s… I wish I could just say to you I’d love you more than he could do
My daughter said the other day I’m glad my father ran away So we could find relationship Without my mother ruining it
Each moment at hand Is open invitation To the promised land
The waves, curls, cowlicks; Your idiosyncrasies Make me love you more.
I see a bee pollinate a flower I see a girl dance to her favorite… I see two men swing and dissolve I see a wolf thin a herd I see You, being You, just to be…
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
I’d like to see Some more of you But only if You think that’s cool If you would want
If I had one wish And a pound weighed a ton I’d hope you’d know my heart And the extent of my love
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
Don’t think that we Should berate I feel we must Coruscate Not focus on
I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old
Ever seen Fawn on teet Wagging tail like dog? If you can’t Then I shant