I’m a take no prisoners kind of ma… A knockdown, drag out, hang if you… Calculating, ruthless, no fear Nothing to lose, nothing held dear Use you up, throw you to the curb
Jeffrey is my friend Until it’s the end Always gonna be There if he needs me
Embrace the darkness It’s the only way That your light can shine
Working towards Common goals
I need to be Out in the bush Not just a mere Craving or crush It’s a huge piece
When we realize That our imperfections are Our emperfections
I write poetry Put my heart into it ‘Cause there just might be Someone that gives a shit
I give you an inch You try for a mile I’m glad I spoke up And still made you smile
I choose to be The Most Unclean So you can see The God in thee
Now you know The depths of depravity A man will go For love of his progeny
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
Lord and Jesus Christ Don’t forget the lice Spiders, ticks, and skeeters All the heeby-jeebers They’ve got their own place
I have a grip that’s never loose That’s why I always get my goose I dig my claws into your soul Until I’m your silver and gold
My parents threw me to the pits When I was just a little kid That’s why I only know the cold And loving touch is stranglehold
Shake your ass Make a pass And let’s get down to business I’ve never seen A better dream