I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old
Embrace the darkness It’s the only way That your light can shine
I was born for this Reflexes like a puss Even when I’m pissed
You say that you enjoy people I don’t think that is true You want to be a pure steeple And lord it over fools
I give you an inch You try for a mile I’m glad I spoke up And still made you smile
I think I’ve found the reason why I threw my gut instincts aside You had a crazy, fucked up song You made me sing I knew was wrong But now, thank God, I’ve seen the…
I’m just looking for An open invitation To bathe you in love
Ever been great at Balance? Then you understand Why I tip my scales.
We’ve reached the acme of intimacy When I taste like you And you taste like me
If I had one wish And a pound weighed a ton I’d hope you’d know my heart And the extent of my love
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
Relinquish control Let the Universe have space To exceed expectations
Each moment at hand Is open invitation To the promised land
Chose a path Not like the rest Takes a strength That can’t be matched But...
I’ve lived my life And seen some things Heard bitchin’ tunes Tasted my dreams But if you want