We might be just a bit fucked up And, God, I hope that’s true ‘Cause that means life is nothing… The deepest passion’s hue
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
Ain’t no mountain high Ain’t no valley nigh When you’re in my sights
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
Told you that we’d last forever Told you that we’d always be Told you we could count on never How could I be so naive Only those that want a tether
I’d like to take a bath with you And see a divine point of view I’ll suds you up and be your tool To catch a glimpse of heaven’s due
Because you exist Is the best reason For you to persist
I knew I loved you When I looked in your eyes Recollection of places Not seen in a while Bright, sunny, and free
If I had one wish And a pound weighed a ton I’d hope you’d know my heart And the extent of my love
There’s shit on your face You just threw up in your mouth Couldn’t be cuter
I would be the worst Dom Ever. If a Sub said “Here is my being, Do as you like.” Only her pleasure and joy
Once there was this girl named Je… Tall and blonde and oh so dreamy Milky skin with essence steamy Just one look would make you cream… Told me that we’d be a team-y
My soul knew that I can’t accept A fucked up view or perspective So threw me to the darkest pit To let my love be beacon lit
My brain doesn’t work like it norm… It doesn’t think of the funny rema… Or witty sayings It doesn’t jump from scene to scen… Most of the time it’s too busy
You say that you enjoy people I don’t think that is true You want to be a pure steeple And lord it over fools