Imagine if what you thought was "wrong" about yourself was actually "right".
Never seen Better scenes Than red lights On green trees
If I had one wish in this world It’s that you would be daddy’s gir… You’d look to me to cure the ills Or when you just might feel like t…
Treat yourself Like you wish others Would treat you
I am a Libra, can’t you see The meaning of dichotomy The this and that, the you and me The balance and disparity
Ev’ryone’s so shiny and bright Double rainbows and laser lights I guess that’s why I’ve come to c… To be the dark side of the moon
Told you that we’d last forever Told you that we’d always be Told you we could count on never How could I be so naive Only those that want a tether
I have no tricks. I have no sleeves. I have only me. And that’s enough.
Because you exist Is the best reason For you to persist
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
My brain doesn’t work like it norm… It doesn’t think of the funny rema… Or witty sayings It doesn’t jump from scene to scen… Most of the time it’s too busy
Powdered salt snowflakes Dusted on stubborn dead leaves Life’s perfect white noise
My soul knew that I can’t accept A fucked up view or perspective So threw me to the darkest pit To let my love be beacon lit
Let me make Home for you That rivals Kathmandu Hugs, kisses
You’ve always been ahead the curve And paradise awaits your nerve To hold on fast and never swerve From the sweet path of nature’s ve…
I missed out on Our baby’s clues I didn’t feel Her in your womb But now she’s here