Flesh of my flesh Bone of my bone Please hear your partner In all his earnest If you are willing
Sometimes I will stare You’re just more interesting Than others in sight
Somehow when I write It comes out in time Words seem to flow out In a catchy rhyme Things just sorta happen
If you’ve ever seen “Natural Born Killers” Then you know a wolf Never changes colors
You’re the bestest bud Anyone could love And your soul shines through All the doom and gloom Fortunate to have
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
You ever dream That we could have A love so great A smooth so salve It’s in the cards
Walked a labyrinth And wrote a poem Then suddenly It all exploded
To tell you the truth I relish your cum It’s the best homage To a job well done
The waves, curls, cowlicks; Your idiosyncrasies Make me love you more.
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
I have no tricks. I have no sleeves. I have only me. And that’s enough.
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
I don’t know what it means to have A lover in my life I don’t know what it’s like to tas… Their sugar and their spice I don’t know how to give and take
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in