Jeffrey is my friend Until it’s the end Always gonna be There if he needs me
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
You are eternal. Your essence will always exist. You will always be, You. Enjoy it!
I appreciate you Facilitating breakthroughs With love I didn’t know due This wretch without a clue
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
We’ve reached the acme of intimacy When I taste like you And you taste like me
There’s a certain kind of type That always does it right Elicits smiles and tears In the space between your ears The only sort of religion
I think I’ve found the reason why I threw my gut instincts aside You had a crazy, fucked up song You made me sing I knew was wrong But now, thank God, I’ve seen the…
Just being yourself Is the absolute best way To show the world love
I’d like to take a bath with you And see a divine point of view I’ll suds you up and be your tool To catch a glimpse of heaven’s due
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
Hope you are a voyeur Hope you want to see What it truly means Be this human thing Offering my soul
I’ve driven self along my quest I think it might be time for rest To take steps back and then assess What it might mean to be my best
You’re nineteen You can choose who to be Nineteen Maybe fancy and free Nineteen
I pour my heart into these prose Because I feel I need to go Into the darkness that will show What needs to surface from below