Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today
Ever been great at Balance? Then you understand Why I tip my scales.
I can blend seamlessly Because I find parts of me In ev’ryone I see
There’s a certain point Where I put down my joint And fucking end you
I’ve always been Out on the run I’ve never felt Like had a home And then one day
I lived today. I breathed. I moved. I was. I hope I helped.
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
How do you reckon Your yearn for freedom With other’s feelings?
Mostly I want To be myself Something special To someone else
I stretch your being You respond with shocked intrigue Sparks dance in-between
Little chipper 'munk Primal, honest, cheeky, sweet Sugar in my ’shine
I’d like to see Some more of you But only if You think that’s cool If you would want
Seems like I’ve tried so many tim… To kill myself but just won’t die Chosen the worst paths and the cri… And always out the other side
Shake your ass Make a pass And let’s get down to business I’ve never seen A better dream
Caught a glance Just by chance And it somehow moved me Head snapped Thunder clapped