Relinquish control Let the Universe have space To exceed expectations
Treat yourself Like you wish others Would treat you
If you’re satisfied with yourself And the world you live in, Is that your cue To start again?
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
I like to watch... an ant traverse a grass forest a flower unfurl in moonlight a muskrat reap trifolium a leaf quiver in mid-day breeze
The world that I was born into Is not the world I want I work to try to get back to A one that values plants
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
Not growing, dying That’s just simple facts Take a look at plants Nature’s info packs
Elaborate mazes Of conjured phrases Tickle the ear Of literary peers But don’t read the type
Little chipper 'munk Primal, honest, cheeky, sweet Sugar in my ’shine
I’m not the one That I should be I’m just the man You came to see Imperfect you
Always late Mostly great That’s just how we roll. Got minute For a hit
I think it’s just about time for m… Pack on up and head to the Great… Maybe if I sever all my human tie… My outer world will match the one…
What if I watched with no judgement or saw without shame, nurtured your essence behind drawn shades?
I see a bee pollinate a flower I see a girl dance to her favorite… I see two men swing and dissolve I see a wolf thin a herd I see You, being You, just to be…