Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
I have a grip that’s never loose That’s why I always get my goose I dig my claws into your soul Until I’m your silver and gold
You hurt me so bad And though I have the right I still care enough To not turn out the lights
I appreciate you Facilitating breakthroughs With love I didn’t know due This wretch without a clue
snow rains and flushes mental cocaines
If this world’s taught me nothing… It’s that you have to fend for sel… From gnashing teeth and twisted mo… Or sneaky fox in the hen house
I passed through little Whitley t… And stopped where locals could be… When I pulled up, I heard a sound Angel’s voice in Dolby surround It was a sweet, but tearful song
Face down in gutter again Seems to be my closest friend Where I land time and again Nothing new except the end
Caught a glance Just by chance And it somehow moved me Head snapped Thunder clapped
I stretch your being You respond with shocked intrigue Sparks dance in-between
Maybe you could teach me how To tighten up my shit And maybe I could show you how To loosen up a bit Maybe we could be the spark
We were formed In relation To this world Our creation
I’ve lost my joy Not sure where it went I can’t remember It’s sweet smelling scent It had to do
Don’t take the past away from me It made me who I am I like the one I’ve come to be A truthful, loving man