Just being yourself Is the absolute best way To show the world love
Working towards Common goals
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
Now you know The depths of depravity A man will go For love of his progeny
Would you wanna hang out some time To see if dreams maybe align Feels like our rhythms could be rh… And these voices might harmonize
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
Flesh of my flesh Bone of my bone Please hear your partner In all his earnest If you are willing
I’ve lived my life And seen some things Heard bitchin’ tunes Tasted my dreams But if you want
Mom and Dad don’t love you They’re already tuned To their own sweet song Fireflies in June You are just an extra
If you’re satisfied with yourself And the world you live in, Is that your cue To start again?
Don’t try to be divine ‘Cause we’ve always been Just try to be yourself My out fits your in
You told me that we’d meet halfway I’m not sure what that means ‘Cause ev’rything I need in life Is what I’ve had to be My loved ones threw me to the wolv…
Fumbling in the dark Searching for my clothes Looking for a girl With my third eye closed
I missed out on Our baby’s clues I didn’t feel Her in your womb But now she’s here
Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today