Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
I was born for this Reflexes like a puss Even when I’m pissed
The Earth is my Mother The Heavens my Dad I love my Father But I’m a Momma’s boy at heart
I don’t know what it means to have A lover in my life I don’t know what it’s like to tas… Their sugar and their spice I don’t know how to give and take
I lived today. I breathed. I moved. I was. I hope I helped.
I have a grip that’s never loose That’s why I always get my goose I dig my claws into your soul Until I’m your silver and gold
I appreciate you Facilitating breakthroughs With love I didn’t know due This wretch without a clue
The only difference Between enlightenment and ignoranc… Is seeing your own magnificence
I am homeless Not because I live in my car But, because my home is in the arm… And I forget what that feels like
If you’ve ever seen “Natural Born Killers” Then you know a wolf Never changes colors
How do you reckon Your yearn for freedom With other’s feelings?
I might be self-absorbed But I’m not selfish I work on Myself Because that’s the best way For Me to help Us
Ever seen Fawn on teet Wagging tail like dog? If you can’t Then I shant
Blue used to be my favorite color. Now I prefer (purple). (purple) is like blue, but more in… You’re my (more interesting, favor…