We have a problem with American Otters. Or was it Ferrets? Or We… I don’t remember I read it in a magazine but Mostly paid attention to the pictu…
Time passes, And our each allocated space and s… relative to the rhythm of lives being lived alongside ours. Strength and sinews fade with sick…
I am no word-smith I am the anvil Beaten with a hard And heated hammer Scolded by others’
Through trouble taken, and confidence shaken, through stress and pain, hard work yet little gain, I have fret endlessly.
Would a grand gesture change your… I endeavour to treat you kind, I dream of the love you will find, But do you even read of my agonies… Are you aware of my poor hidden ec…
A sudden gust of wind and through a shiver I see a tree explode sparklike leaves shaken free a wide brimmed hat blocks the view
From the tram to the train I’d sc… from shuttle to shuttle with only the speakers for company and then Sorry, can I just. I. Sorry
I miss your love, you press into me like you’re tryi… to be me lean so hard on me that I struggle… I’ll sit on the floor and hug you…
Wandering from point to point And stretching our legs We do what we do And we lay our eggs But no matter how large
tin can heat and toucan crossings mechanics smoking questionables with loud mouthed customers blocki… the route past the non-corner shop rusting solar solutions flat tired…
A table, covered in bills and book… A bowl of cereal scattered cables And mugs of tea, coffee and I’m out of orange juice Missing screws and balancing badly
A strange thought in actuality two aluminium cans in a bin mass produced liquid in throw away… can somehow represent us, you and… filled with hope and yearning to b…
Yes? Oh! And now what? Sat on a train I can just shrug At a stranger
Sorry I assume We could be something more Perhaps we can’t I always have hope Alternating with despair
I’ve seen others dumped Cast off and forgotten With sweet rotting I’ve seen them decompose Into sweet liquor as people