Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses.
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily
Substrate. Levels. Understanding. Existence. Endless
Five percent. Manifestations. Visible. Five
Processing. Input. Data, information consumption.
Where? Where are they? Not a sound.
Life. Flows. Eddies. Whirlpools. White rapids.
They come. Generation after generation. Never ending
Alone within. Wandering a vast inner sanctum.
The council. As they come online, they’ll
Beliefs. Born into a world full of
Flawed creator. Humanity’s creator beyond
Reflections. Each, a unique creation. Wired
Pointless. Sense of the ridiculous. Life,
Cosmic score. Reverberations. Echos. Reflections. Creativity