Flows. Equilibrium. Energy. Negative. Positive.
Middle way. Pendulums swing. Back and forth.
Look! Look around. Soon, nothing
Nature of things. Exponential growth. Artificial
Deeper fundamental. Looking in a mirror.
End Game. Process. Mechanism of creation. Evolution.
Perception of things. What’s seen. What’s heard. Sense of
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways
Empty vessel. Human matrix. Hardware.
Moment. Moment by moment. It passes.
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Creation. Designed. Designed by genesis.
Become. What? What we become. Past
Enlightenment. Emergence from darkness to light. Continuous
Byproduct. Creation’s endgame. Machinery churning.