Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a
War. Technological war on humanity has begun.
Delusion. Center of the universe. Made
Spin. Spinning right. Spinning left.
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Blending. Evil. Why evil? Why good for that
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Master’s will. Penetrating. Molding. Shaping each will.
Passage. From nothing to something. Everything.
Powers that be. Plying the shadows. Infecting
Smarter. Faster, innocence fades. Human
Inexplicable. Being. The wonder of being. Simply
Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic
Software. Sophisticated software. Beyond knowledge.