Grasping. Gasping. for understanding, knowledge.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
New war. Twenty first century battlefield. Grey terrain
Toil. Toil, curse of sentience. Toil,
Ideas. Infection. People are people. Empty
Byproduct. Creation’s endgame. Machinery churning.
Birthing. Cosmic birth. Resonance. Vibrations.
Tight. Wound tight. Years in the
Narrow. Living in a narrow row.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Aimless. Wandering. Meandering. Meaning of things.
Hive mind. Seven hours each day. On average people spend
Primal. Humanity screams. Primal animal.
Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Dreams within dreams. Levels of reality