Pliable. Gray matter. All else maintenance,
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Utopia. Circles us all. Constructed in plain
Bubble Human bubble. Reality viewed from within.
Paradise. Eternal souls, reality. Never
Future. Look around. What’s seen? Heads bent.
Inhabit. Existence. World understanding. Observed.
Clouds of ignorance. Mind shielding. Machine
Eternity’s pool. Peering into probability. Seeing all that
Quest. Meaning. Searching for meaning. Questioning.
Oblivion. Creation. Galaxies, 2 trillion strong.
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Rinse and repeat. In the beginning the programs
Wheel. Spinning wheel. Gyrations through.
Games. The game, it is a foot. Puppet