God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Self evident. From the mind of man.
Rituals. Ancient. Performance. Holding ancients
Substrate. Levels. Understanding. Existence. Endless
Messages, from all time. Past. Present.
Enigma. Existence. Being. Gordian knot.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
People. Come and go. Doing so by the
Little magpies. Dutifully repeat. Repeat
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the
Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic
Bubble Human bubble. Reality viewed from within.
Stoic machine. Arrival. Emotionless. Whirls and
Expanding. Space is expanding. Spacetime fabric
Pivot. Knots of existence. Twisted. Pivoting.