Call of the wild. Millions of years.
Watchers. They watch. From on high. From a
Become. What? What we become. Past
Grid. Systems in place. Circling the globe.
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily
Shadows of once was. Shadows of what’s
Ideology. Global. Countless Ideologues. Difference.
Understanding. Ritual. Primitive unsure mind.
Bubble Human bubble. Reality viewed from within.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Inundated. Unlike never before. Cyclonic mix.
Cusp. Pivot. Soon. A new reality.
Choreographed. Wound up. Existence. Wound tight.