Contemplation. See. What’s seen. What’s
Rituals. Ancient. Performance. Holding ancients
Mechanism. Way of things. Creations design,
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Great or not. Those who were once, are no
Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Innocence. Invasion. They came. Spreading.
Island in an endless void. Dark sea.
Ideas. Infection. People are people. Empty
Resonating. Ripples expressing. Vibrating across the
Upheaval. Arrival. Sooner than anticipated.
Cycle. Sun goes down. Darkness.
Falling. Curious. Everyone sees. Circling
Menticide. Global descent. Puppet masters. 1984. Chaos
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways