Tentacles. Circling. Squeezing. Slowly at first.
Past. Slips away. Fades to memories.
Time Flying by. Enveloped. Enveloped in its
Avatar. Receptacle. Holder of essence.
Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad
Input. Need input. Fast and furious ones
Swamp. Day one. Tick-tock. The clock starts
Bubbles from bubbles. Budding off, one
Thought. Realm of ideas. Infinite realm
Raging concepts. Control. Flaming clouds.
Gnarly little things. Narratives. Thoughts. Virus like.
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Vessels. Empty vessels. Hardware. Biological
Grid. Systems in place. Circling the globe.
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others