Outside the lines, where some choose to be.
Receiver. Where’s existence? Self. Where’s
Fields of energy. Fields of thought. Information
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Science and Religion. Humanity’s search engines.
Aquarius. An age not so long ago. Bell bottoms,
Lotus. Unfolding flower. Unfolding realms.
As they come. Taking the years as they
Infusion. Pure thought. Seeping up.
Mindless. Knowledge accumulation. Books carry information.
Eyes gazed, glazed. Distant stare.
Vessel. Empty. Devoid of knowledge. No opinions.
Inundated. Unlike never before. Cyclonic mix.
Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Island in an endless void. Dark sea.