Rituals. Ancient. Performance. Holding ancients
Provided. Reality as provided. From a human
Altered. Believe. What will be believed?
Metamorphosis. Shape shifting. Accelerating change.
Mind worm. Narrative. Injected. Burrowing into
A.I. and religion. What religion will
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Hill. Over the hill. The others live.
Calibration. Decisions alter the future. Choices
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Byproduct. Creation’s endgame. Machinery churning.
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the
Power. Weakness. Seductive force. Seductive
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.