Interesting times. Ahead. Humanity on the
Meets the eye. There’s so much more than
Contemplation. Only one species on earth. Only one.
Gathering. Global gathering. One mind,
Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a
Hive mind. Seven hours each day. On average people spend
War drums. Minds wound tight.
Science and Religion. Humanity’s search engines.
Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Lemmings. Scripted. Vistas. Endless. Endless
Straws. Grasping at straws. Time
Worlds. Infinite tally. Mountains, oceans,
Self centered. Self impressed. Humanity.
Upheaval. Arrival. Sooner than anticipated.
I see you. Looking back oh so many years ago.