Gene pool. Self evident. Leaders. Tyrants. Followers.
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.
Edge. Living on the edge. Between
Cusp. Humanity on the cusp. Evolution.
Contemplation. Only one species on earth. Only one.
Meets the eye. There’s so much more than
The station. Experience begins. Enter the soul.
Introspection. Situation analysis. I think therefore.....
Aspirants. Baseline. Animals. Animals at heart.
Whole Cloth. Its all been spun. Spun from whole cloth.
Monsters. Creating monsters. Incrementally. Little by
The box. Placed at birth. Configured as such.
Synergy. Interactions. Touches. Cross currents. Stuff of
Life path. Eyes open, reality presents.
Reflections. Each, a unique creation. Wired