It’s time to fly, soar above. Let
Bridge. In between. Current. Once was. Next to
Hum. Existence hums with energy. Hums with
Augmentation. So it begins. Next step. Human
Human Nature. Theme. Writers intent. Look around.
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Crushed. Change. Everything that was will be
Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Language. Creation speaks. Vibrations primordial,
Capabilities. Reflection. What level? How deep? How complex?
Middleman. Creation. One after the other. One
Delusion. Center of the universe. Made
A.I. god. Out of the mist. Marching
Muddling minds. Twenty four seven. Three
Perceptions. Understanding. View of things. Processing.