Time. Indifferent. Irrelevant. Cares not. Uninvolved
Barren, devoid of soul. Black and white.
Nascent. Emerging. Primordial. Faint ripple. Barely there.
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Incomplete. Five senses. Provided with.
Dragon. Wings high above. Slashing
Peaceful. Tune out. Turn off.
Dot. Dot in the void. Endless
Where the gods live. Humanity developed, worshiped
Shadows of once was. Shadows of what’s
Island in an endless void. Dark sea.
Preordained. Predetermined. How much is me? Twice
Spin. Spinning right. Spinning left.
Deities. Attempts to understand, make sense.
Contemplation. Only one species on earth. Only one.