Aggregator. Brain. Mind. Collector. Collector
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Reflection. Minds eye reflection. Universal
Hum. Existence hums with energy. Hums with
Arriving Not from without but from within.
Contrivance. Human history beliefs, contrived.
Perception. Integration. Interpretation. Ignorance. Mind
Mind, rises above. Above the material,
Primal. Humanity screams. Primal animal.
Flash. Moment. Merely a moment. Firefly
Remnant. What’s left behind. Bits of bone.
Toil. Toil, curse of sentience. Toil,
Pliable. Gray matter. All else maintenance,
Manifestation. Manifestation of the creator. Creation
Deep. Deep into the bowels of time.