Uniqueness obliterated. Ancient stories bubbling up.
Five years. Batten down the hatches. Change
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Spin. Spinning right. Spinning left.
Nextworld. What’s to come. Evolution fast tracked.
Broken pieces. Slog. Life can be a slog.
Dream. I met myself in a dream.
Faces fixed. Screen glows. Mesmerized.
Incomprehensible. Beyond human scale. Look deep, deep
Metamorphosis. Shape shifting. Accelerating change.
Escape. None. There is no escape.
What now? Where to now? Place in time. Now.
Structure. Cosmic structure. Floating through a
Toil. Toil, curse of sentience. Toil,
Tribal. Unraveling. Loosening connections. Severing