Virus. Tech mind virus. Insidious
Seed its been planted. Deep down
Bridge. In between. Current. Once was. Next to
Blue Marble. Terrarium! A terrarium really. That’s
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Avatar. Receptacle. Holder of essence.
Adjustments. Evolutionarily adjustments. Societal adjustments.
Dark passage. From there to here to there. Spitfire
Parallels. Realities in the can. Celluloid
Commingle. Will the two mix? Get along. The digital
Tiny. Look around. They’re everywhere. Tiny things.
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily
Conquest. They watched from afar. Meticulously
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the
Manifestation. Manifestation of the creator. Creation