Whispers. Faint sounds. Faint energy vibrations whispering
Mustard seed. Small. Minute. Infinitesimal.
Uncertainty! Long ago. Infinite time. Instructions loaded.
Days. One after the other. Each a cell
Falling. Curious. Everyone sees. Circling
Endless existences, separate and apart. Soul,
Deafening. Eons past. Faceless millions charge.
Personal odds. Personal time, space.
Innocence. Invasion. They came. Spreading.
Field. Frequency. Vibrations. Field of possibilities.
Observation. Perception. Mental state based. Reality,
Aquarius. An age not so long ago. Bell bottoms,
Rooms. Existence is full. Full of rooms.
Middle way. Pendulums swing. Back and forth.
Pecking order. Top to bottom. Things get