Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Never land. Vaporized into the never land. Creation.
Manifestation. Within. Inside. It’s all deep
Expanding. Space is expanding. Spacetime fabric
Eternity’s pool. Peering into probability. Seeing all that
Dynamics. Human dynamics. Organization. From the
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Perception. Integration. Interpretation. Ignorance. Mind
Empty streets. Empty stores. Empty
Essence. What passes through. Essence
Menticide. Cloud induced psychosis. Undermining
Hive mind. Seven hours each day. On average people spend
Pollination. Cross pollination. Global chats. Virtual
Blending. Evil. Why evil? Why good for that
Battlefield. Gray matter battlefield. Undulating